... mood swings are all about tapping into old beliefs and the collective fears that trigger them in my opinion. I feel like I was the chosen one after reading so much on this past week like someone wanted to hurt me badly. Often I sit at the symphony and cry because it is beyond beauty. posted by Sphinx at 9:45 AM on December 29, 2013 Ik it makes me feel so uncomfortable and its my dad he has like this weird lisp every time he uses c in his words it is so like extra almost like a cough, also his cheeks make these weird noises when he talks and after he talks his throat makes this piercing stuffed up noise like he just swallowed his own mucus and the worst of all!!!! If something seems out of place, like a couch or a desk, do not automatically disregard it as a symptom of paranoia. It's a full body convulsion. I feel like I let people walk over me and with him I think I let out my anger on him. Music reaches me like nothing else. At times it feels as though someone just took a seat beside me. Going to a high energy concert like Springsteen leaves me totally freaked out for 24 hours, I want to stay in the music. I’ve never acted on these thoughts, and I pray to God I never will. It’s unnerving that I could even possibly think it, but it’s uncontrollable. Admittedly it is a good freaked feeling. It could be an indication that someone has been snooping around in your space. A wiretapper might move furniture around while trying to access electrical lines or phone lines, which is why this is an important element to note. Its just a mess. Yawning, chewing loudly, tongue clicking and talking while eating just drives me up the wall. Omg, I laughed at some of these because I relate to almost all of them. My father does not like him and says that he likes my ex-husband, he was a better person for me. I must sit in the front row to be “in” the music. I don’t feel loving him either, but he loves me like crazy. It reaches m soul. For me, even THINKING about the sound makes me undeniably want to pick up a heavy object and slam it repeatedly onto somebody’s head until they pass out. Im not a violent person, but those sounds make me feel like an axe murderer about … He likes me because he talks to me or pays my phone and then he hates me because he ignores me. In this guide, I’ll tell you 10 ways to tell if someone is spying on your smartphone and what you can do to stop them. I'm just falling asleep, and I get what I call 'Broomed' because it feels just like someone whacked me on the back with a broom. Like. I feel afraid because It simply cannot be seen, but I … How to Tell If Someone is Spying on Your Smartphone Luckily, there are warning signs that you can pick up on that will alert you that there may be spyware infecting your device and monitoring your activities. In one of the dreams, I have left my husband I get married to this young man and I introduced him to my family. There is medical terminology about it, but I can't for the life of me remember what it is called. Sometimes it does make me feel like I’m going crazy but I know what I feel and know it’s something. i don’t feel like i belong with anyone and i try to be normal but im not. i im confused, im 16 and i live in a small town in oregon, i’m a girl btw and i always feel alone and like a freak because i feel like i’m odd. It makes me angry. Last night I had just gotten into bed with my wife,when I had experienced something very strange.My wife was already sound asleep,and I was close to dozing off ,when all of a sudden I feel someone or something tap me on my leg. The Tap on My Shoulder: For many years, I have experienced a presence that at times seemingly lands on my bed, then begins to move around me. Because I feel like he should treat me better if he does some times then I think maybe I’m giving myself mixed signals. this man is too young and will leave me soon.

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