The other is the fight for donors. It has become enshrined in our three-year strategic plan as the centerpiece of all of our work. The ratings for our weekend magazine shows are actually slightly greater than they were a year ago pre-pandemic, so that’s a bright spot. Considering the demise of local newspapers around the country and the growth of our member stations’ newsrooms around the country, we’re really working hard to support their local journalism, because it’s so important to us. What was it like for you to watch that happen? And now in our budgeting we’re shifting some revenue for Michael to use that to promote and support our podcasts as they compete, as you note, with other large commercial businesses. And we’re happy to see SAG-AFTRA agree with us and to join up. How are you working to shore up NPR’s place in the podcasting landscape and compete with deep-pocketed tech companies? That was due largely to reductions in corporate sponsorship and also additional expenses we were incurring in supporting our employees with paid time off, as we adjusted to the new working arrangements and the stresses that we were all under and also the additional expense of cleaning the headquarters multiple times a day on certain occasions. Current: NPR has helped stations during the pandemic by delaying planned changes to the dues they pay. Current: You came to NPR after serving as CEO of the U.S. Agency for Global Media. At the US Agency for Global Media, Lansing championed a free press even as leaders of many nations move against it. ... NPR President and CEO John Lansing announced Tuesday. A number of executives will report directly to Lansing, including Nancy Barnes, senior vice president for news and editorial director, who joined NPR last November and oversees the network’s newsroom. And my top goal is to support, in particular, the women of color at NPR so that they feel like they have more upward mobility. We’ve had a couple of significant anonymous gifts that have helped shore up our forecast for the coming fiscal year. The work they’ve done during the pandemic has been nothing short of miraculous in many cases, particularly given the summer of racial reckoning, the most unusual presidential election in memory and everything that’s gone on since. Earlier Tuesday, President Trump appeared to praise Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for yelling at another NPR reporter. NPR was seen to align itself with federal workers at VOA who essentially conducted an internal uprising on government time, while NPR made quite clear in its coverage where it stood. NPR is more-or-less liberal (at least by American standards) in roughly the same way that The Economist is more-or-less conservative (at least by European standards; it is arguably what the US calls liberal by US standards). Rep. Duncan blasts NPR in scathing letter over Hunter Biden blackout. He will now lead the nation’s top audio producer and broadcaster. NPR’s president of operations, Loren Mayor, was the leading internal candidate for the chief executive position. Current: Did anything else stand out to you in that survey that you believe needed attention and needs attention? And the New York Times has won praise and new fans through its weekday podcast The Daily, with in-depth interviews of reporters and newsmakers. Michael was a senior marketing executive at Scripps for Food Network and HGTV and really brings a lot of media marketing expertise. This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. For Lansing, the NPR post may be a better fit on many levels although even there it could lead to disaster if his job selections and decisions are not closely watched. That with a combination of expense cuts, including our employees and our management all taking voluntary pay cuts and benefit cuts, helped close that deficit gap. An official says he took his life later the same day. The network had run deficits in six of the seven previous years; under Mohn, it has achieved a slight surplus for each year during his tenure, even as the annual budget grew by more than 40%. And I was very proud of the progress we were making. John Lansing, a veteran government broadcast and cable television executive, has been selected by NPR’s corporate board to succeed its current chief, Jarl Mohn. It did not drive a lot of immediate donations, but there were some. John Lansing will succeed Jarl Mohn as NPR's next CEO. But that’s our commitment. But my goals also go to all of my direct reports. I don’t know if you’ve been on the highway recently, but there’s a lot more traffic on the highway today than there would have been last May and June. Current: Companies like Spotify and Amazon have been pouring big money into podcasting. Dewey, a political appointee, has strong conservative credentials. Lansing previously held positions overseeing the Scripps Co.’s local television stations and then its national cable channels, which include the Food Network and HGTV, among others. We’re still looking at a deficit, but we’re hopeful that by the time we get into March, we’ll have a pretty clear-eyed view of how the year is going to end up. As we moved through the summer, that deficit remained at about $25 million. Lansing said he took pride in maintaining conventional broadcasts while appealing to new audiences, reaching about 25% more people each week. Last year brought a host of challenges to NPR: a multimillion-dollar deficit, calls for changes in its workplace culture and a hit to broadcast listening. Lansing said in an interview with Current Thursday that one of his first observations upon joining NPR was that “we needed to double down our efforts” in diversity, equity and inclusion. We discovered in our most recent climate survey that that was an area that we needed to put more effort into. Trump has notably praised authoritarian figures, including the leaders of North Korea, the Philippines, Russia and Turkey, and has waged his own fight against journalists. Mohn had promised to attract major contributions to NPR before the end of his tenure; to date he has not landed the major eight- and nine-figure donations his stated aspirations suggested. As we got to April of last spring, we saw a massive deficit develop for NPR on the order of about $25 million. John Lansing, a veteran government broadcast and cable television executive, has been selected by NPR's corporate board to succeed its current chief, Jarl Mohn. We’ve seen a gradual comeback. But here, Lansing basically jumps over those disclaimers using the lame attribution of “private citizen.”. Copyright 2019 NPR. Others have waded into the podcast fray with a vengeance. Lansing: Everybody’s at a different place with DEI depending on where they stand, whether that’s a person who is white and doesn’t understand how white privilege has improved their standing in their career in a way that persons of color may have not experienced. Lansing says the agency referred Haroon Ullah’s expenditures to auditors and investigators after travel assistants flagged them; according to the Justice Department statement, Ullah admitted submitting fraudulent receipts for hotel room reimbursements and fake medical claims to get government payments of upgrades in airline seat assignments, among other offenses. Current: Why are NPR and its partners looking to sell the Pocket Casts podcast app? NPR is asking the State Department to explain its decision to deny an NPR reporter press credentials to travel with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on an upcoming trip to Europe, NPR President and CEO John Lansing announced Tuesday. “In terms of mission, understanding of media, the depth of experience, his strategic leadership, his commitment to people and culture, I would say those were really the key things that we were looking for,” said Goli Sheikholeslami, vice chairwoman of the NPR board of directors and CEO of Chicago Public Media. Because of NPR CEO John Lansing's prior role as CEO of the U.S. Agency for Global Media, no senior news executive or corporate executive at NPR reviewed this story before it … "Political staff targeted and terrorized career staff and others. So we were pleased to see SAG-AFTRA join our efforts. Lansing: We hope to have that completed within about eight to 10 weeks. Disclosure: This story was reported by NPR media correspondent David Folkenflik and edited by NPR's media and technology editor Emily Kopp. Current: When was the climate survey conducted? Proceeds from every purchase go to support the news and music you love. Lansing describes himself as a “citizen watching from the outside” A private citizen? It takes a good day’s drive to cover Colorado, but we’ll help you do it in a few minutes each morning. The work of those pillars will be done through the lens of improving our efforts on DEI. NPR’s current chief and board member, Jarl Mohn, was on the board of Scripps during the investigation and stock sales. While serving as chief operating officer, she took on a greater role during two of Mohn’s medical leaves and in the aftermath of the sexual harassment scandal. “The challenges he will face at NPR are not dissimilar to challenges across the media landscape as a whole,” said Sheikholeslami, who will soon take up the CEO job at New York Public Radio. This is simply disingenuous. Lansing: When we look at our strategic plan and our commitment to growing our audience of the future, it’s clear to us that every corner of NPR has a digital on-demand initiative that’s critical to our success and that it makes more sense to have the digital assets closer to the work that’s influencing our audiences and growing our audiences. “I want to hear the ideas that are bubbling underneath right now and what people are excited about what they’re looking forward to developing,” Lansing said Thursday. “And I want to look for areas that I can provide leadership to bring resources together as needed strategically to find the right priorities that make the most sense for growing NPR this year and then into the future.“. A later report commissioned by the NPR board found that questions had been raised about Oreskes’ behavior even before his hiring and that concerns were raised throughout his tenure; the repeated and formal warnings by top executives (including Mohn) to Oreskes to cut short the unwanted attention he paid to female colleagues proved ineffective. It’s my expectation that that will expand throughout the organization, so that everybody understands it’s everybody’s job, and the accountability is going to be something that we measure and transparently report back out. And we’ve seen that really help them grow. Lansing: We aren’t in a position to answer that until we know for sure when the pandemic is going to subside. Yet Lansing also takes over an institution riven by a scandal that hit its top reaches, with a chief news executive toppled over #MeToo complaints of inappropriate conduct toward female subordinates and colleagues. It began to improve a little bit as we moved into August and September, as corporate sponsorships began to recover a little bit. So we’re now into the new fiscal year. Diversity is the “North Star” of a newly implemented strategic plan, Lansing said, because it “filters through everything that we do with all of our work.”. “When I think of NPR and I think of the member stations collectively, I think really of journalism as a public service, not tied to a profit motive,” Lansing told NPR News. It is hard to overstate the climate of fear and dread that existed at the Agency. “Your mobility becomes extremely important to be involved and connected to audiences that are mobile and that tend to be, frankly, younger and, as we think of it at USAGM, future leaders, who can influence the rise of free and open societies.”. We need help now.” So we began an intensive set of Zoom meetings that I attended, each one with a member station and a qualified potential donor. What steps does NPR still need to take in this area? So those are the four pillars that rotate around the centerpiece, we call it the North Star, of our commitment to DEI. She also has led initiatives to reform hiring practices and to sweep far more temporary positions into permanent slots, often working closely with the network’s chief unions to do so. And it’s something that I think will strengthen the ability for news programming, marketing and member services to be more responsive and to offer greater service to audiences in a more agile way. So I brought in Michael Smith as our new chief marketing officer almost a year ago. Because of NPR CEO John Lansing's prior role as CEO of the U.S. Agency for Global Media, no senior news executive or corporate executive at NPR reviewed this story before it … Current: What are some of the highlights of that strategic plan? There were three of them, each for $1 million. He held off a push by House Republicans to spin off Voice of America into a non-governmental broadcaster. I established DEI as our top priority on Jan. 5 of 2020. But now we’re seeing authoritarian regimes expanding around the globe, with media repression in places like Turkey and Venezuela, Cambodia and Vietnam.”. “Governments around the world are increasingly cracking down on the free flow of information; silencing dialogue and dissent; and distorting reality,” Lansing said in a speech he delivered in May to the Media for Democracy Foundation. To see more, visit It is our work. Lansing, who is 62, is currently CEO of the government agency that oversees Voice of America, Radio and Television Marti, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, among others. CEO John Lansing said the network needs to be able “to respond more nimbly to the rapid pace of change across audience behaviors, technology and the digital business.”, In these comments, John Lansing slides by with a public swipe at the Trump But we felt like it was an important investment to make in our member stations to support them during the pandemic. And we’re pleased to work with them. Last year, President Trump appointed Michael Pack as USAGM’s CEO. NPR, the public radio and podcasting giant, has a new leader after years of growth and internal turmoil. Mohn placed an emphasis on fostering a more collaborative dynamic with the public radio stations that NPR serves, and was given credit for making progress on that score. It’s an inclusive process. The cuts are part of several potential measures NPR may take to deal with coronavirus-caused budgetary shortfalls. Coming into public media, which I love, I noticed something that would be unusual in commercial media, in that there really wasn’t a great investment in marketing podcasting to outside audiences off of our platforms. It didn’t begin in the summer — it accelerated in the summer. Last year brought a host of challenges to NPR: a multimillion-dollar deficit, calls for changes in its workplace culture and a hit to broadcast listening. We have many miles to go. And the work goes on. He’s credited with restoring morale, in part by naming a noted journalist as head of the Voice of America: Amanda Bennett is a former top news executive at the Philadelphia Inquirer, who previously held senior newsroom jobs at Bloomberg News and The Wall Street Journal. Lansing: When I came in in 2019, my earliest observation was that our biggest issue was the lack of diversity in our audience, and I felt that we needed to double down our efforts in DEI throughout our organization in order to fulfill the promise to reflect the entire American public in terms of what America looks like. (His predecessor, John Lansing, is now CEO of NPR.) So at the end of the day, it’s a commitment, but this also has to be accountability. And it gives the lie to NPR’s claim, through disclaimers, that it is simply reporting on its own — the implication of the disclaimer being that there is no editorial control or direction from the CEO. So it’s a constant commitment to communication, to training, to accountability. Lansing: About 11 months ago, in February, a pilot group of 15 stations got together and put together an 18-month plan to begin the process. administration regarding the now former managers of his former place of employment (USAGM) but claims the mantle of private citizen to do so. While they do not broadcast within the U.S., the Voice of America and the other media outfits Lansing has overseen typically adhere to traditional concepts of factual, non-ideological journalism, with the frequent exception of Radio Marti – historically an anti-Castro and anti-Cuban communist outlet. Current: With broadcast listening declining during the pandemic, what is NPR doing to address and adjust to those trends? Current: Can you be more specific about what that looks like in terms of how you reach people who may not already know about NPR’s podcasts? I had been gone for the better part of a year or so. Not exactly. But an example of that one that we’ve already created is the Consider This podcast, which is just a terrific example of taking the national-local partnership into the on-demand future. We can share resources and story ideas, and we can help organize and support those efforts. NPR draws more than 28 million listeners each week and 40 million unique monthly visitors to its website — both represent a rise of several million over those five years. We’re consulting with digital media, we’re consulting with the division heads, and we’re doing it as an all-hands project so that we get it right.

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