This occurs early in pregnancy, when a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus (known as implantation). If bleeding or spotting lasts longer than 3 days, it is likely not implantation bleeding, though it should not be ignored if it comes at a time when a woman would not expect her regular period. If one has heavy, bright red or bleeding with clots, even if later she does find out she’s pregnant, the bleeding wasn’t IB. Menstrual flow lasts anywhere from 3 days to 7 days whereas implantation bleeding may only last a few hours. Bleeding or spotting happens shortly after the implantation of the fertilized egg but sometimes the bleeding could simply be your period, which means you're not pregnant. A woman may mistake this light implantation bleeding for a menstrual period and therefore not realize she is pregnant. There are a few ways you can distinguish implantation bleeding from your period: Timing: Implantation bleeding happens six to 14 days after conception. There are a few signs to help tell the difference between implantation bleeding and a period. Women chid their period to be implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding can be an early sign of pregnancy, but some women mistake it for menstrual blood because it may happen around the time they expect their period. Implantation bleeding is a common cause of spotting. Implantation bleeding will last at a minimum of a few minutes and at a maximum of only 3 days. The apparent release of that blood is known as implantation bleeding and it is an early pregnancy symptom. This implantation bleeding quiz helps determine if you are experiencing implantation bleeding. It tends to occur a few days before your period would be due. Periods happen a bit later, about 14 days after ovulation. By gauging the timing of sex, some women can tell if the spotting is a sign of pregnancy. Because implantation bleeding occurs near the time of her next period, many women are confused whether it is a possible pregnancy or a period. Period blood is usually darker, more prominent, and redder than implantation bleeding. Symptoms and Signs. Implantation bleeding ignites the confusion with the period. Some of the main differences between implantation bleeding and your period are: Menstrual blood is a red to dark red color and is much heavier than implantation bleeding which looks like light pink or brown spots. Implantation bleeding is considered one of the early pregnancy symptoms (at least one of the first easily identifiable signs for a mother). While some experts say spotting … It typically happens before your period would normally arrive. Implantation bleeding usually lasts around 1-2 days, but can last anything from a few hours to spotting on and off for many days, and be extremely light, and stay light. Video: Implantation bleeding vs period: 5 ways to know the difference. What are symptoms and signs of your period vs. implantation bleeding? Implantation bleeding is light bleeding that may happen about six to 12 days after conception. If you weren’t trying to get pregnant, you might mistake implantation bleeding for your period. Treatments for your period vs. implantation bleeding Dianosis. Implantation bleeding may initially resemble the start of a menstrual period.However, while menstrual flow will usually get progressively heavier, implantation bleeding will not. Diagnosing your period vs. implantation bleeding; Treatments. What are the causes of your period vs. implantation bleeding? With implantation bleeding, the timing is usually 7-9 days after ovulation. What is your period vs. implantation bleeding? RELATED: Implantation Bleeding Before Pregnancy: Your TTC Tutorial Is It Implantation Bleeding or Period Spotting? However, many women start their periods with light pink or non-heavy brown spots. There can only be implantation bleeding or period. But there are major differences between the two. Causes. Implantation Bleeding Symptoms. Thus, telling period and implantation bleeding apart isn’t easy. It may be caused by a fertilized egg implanting in the blood-rich lining of your uterus. How long does implantation bleeding last?

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