The 4500 would be needed if and only if Kerbin had no atmosphere to help you slow down. Now place a node on your solar orbit. Then once Duna is 75 degrees ahead of Kerbin in their orbits create a maneuver node that is … It’ll be good to get back to Kerbin!”-Dunwin. The number on the map, 1080 m/s, is a single burn at the right point in the right direction from LKO to Duna intercept. For return from Duna orbit to Kerbin the budget shows 500 m/s, which won't even get you to Duna escape. The three celebrities - Bill, Bob, and Jebediah - explore the red planet Duna in an overengineered rocket and return home. Details: my ship has about 900 dv left. Due to Ike's size and proximity, Ike and Duna are almost tidally locked to each other. On the launchpad, pick "Rendezvous" and select Duna, then time skip until Intercept Angle is as close to 0 degrees as possible. Making Ike look like its slinging left and right when Duna rotates. Here's what the orbits look like now. You need about 740 from low duna orbit (60kmx60km) to a Kerbin intercept. After gathering some Duna Blueberry samples, Shepely heads back to the lander! Acknowledgements. The two spacecraft will arrive at Duna in 208 days! If that won't work, do you think I should load a save I made before I left Kerbin's SOI, or should I use this as a learning experience and send a rescue ship like I did when Bob got stranded after my first Mun lander tipped over? It’ll be good to get back to Kerbin!”-Dunwin. Now I cannot repack my chutes to land on Kerbin. 2) Build rocket with the required dV budget. 2. Indeed, Explorer 2 has set the record for the most consecutive landings done by one crew! Details: my ship has about 900 dv left. this is a very hand tool to use. Just do a normal transfer burn, except you'll be doing it over one of the poles instead of coming around the equator. To calculate these three values, you can either: Check out the guide this page is based on, written by Kosmo-not … Re-entry is @ 3,000m/s and solar panels rip clean off of the booster that is jettisoned. You need Kerbal Engineer Redux. It has one natural satellite; Ike. Click and drag the node until you get a close encounter. Edit: got Duna and eve backwards lol, burn retro at the PERIAPSE and launch the rescue when kerbin is right BEHIND the ship , Can't I just, like, circularize my stranded craft, wait for a window, then send up a rescue ship? Unfortunately on my flyby trajectory I can't wait for a window. “I can’t wait to get back with all these new findings!”-Bob “I sure hope those return calculations are correct!”-Bill “They’re correct – don’t worry! Pretty straightforward: how the heck do I get back to Kerbin from Duna without it taking years and years? I was impatient and sent my ship at what was probably a bad time: Duna was about 110° ahead of Kerbin when I launched. Unless 900 is enough dv to go into an elliptical orbit and get back to Kerbin when the window comes around, hopeful question mark? Fine-tune maneuver node to get Kerbin encounter, then execute it, Once you've left Duna SOI, make another node and set Kerbin as the camera focus, Fine-tune maneuver node so you can do an aerocapture, dV requirement: 1500 to get to orbit, 500 to break orbit, 100 for the return adjustments= 2100 for the return vessel, plus whatever margin of error you want. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But the most confusing part is the description of building the upper stage. This is, however, the ABSOLUTE minimum delta-v you'll need, that is, burning at the EXACT most optimal burn points. Press J to jump to the feed. “This many missions has left us all exhausted! Duna's terrain ranges in altitude from 124 to 8264 meters. Its small size and gravity well (comparable to The Mun). Launch eastward into orbit. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the KerbalAcademy community. Aim well and kerbin will grab you on it own if not go to 10; Now you will need to slow down again if you missed kerbin completely it could take about 950 m/s to slow down around kerbin. ; Robert Braeunig's excellent Rocket and Space Technology which provided most of the math powering these calculations. Go to map mode. If it's the latter, how much dv should I bring? I'm on a flyby trajectory of Duna. With RMB turn Duna to the top of the screen, the 12h position. It is likely your next logical step after landing on the Mun, Minmus, or Eve. If it's not, you'll need to burn somewhat off of your prograde vector toward planetary retrograde. (Duna is Kerbal Space Program's [KSP's] analogue of Mars.) The number you got, 919 m/s, is the amount of dV you'd need if you were going for a Duna intercept from an orbit similar to Kerbin's, but not actually from Kerbin. Edit: Either way. It will cost about 650 m/s to transfer back to Kerbin. Good luck! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you burn well you might just be able to aerocapture. If you cannot get an encounter, try moving your maneuver node around a little bit. Duna escape needs somewhere around 800 m/s. Mitster and Dunwin blast off – heading back to Duna Spaceport! The Sands of Duna Part 1: Introduction So let's go to Duna! Bonus question: a little advice about interplanetary transfers both to higher orbits and to lower ones would go a long way, I think. Duna has several craters. You have to wait for a transfer window again and do a transplanetary injection. It's got three of my best kerbals on board. Make sure your inclination is right and maybe do multiple burns using Kerbin as a Sling shot to end up using less fuel. The burn to get you to Duna will cost 1,100 m/s. Once in orbit, create a manoeuvre node and … 7410 should take you back to low Kerbin orbit. Then once Duna is 75 degrees ahead of Kerbin in their orbits create a maneuver node that is ~120 degrees behind the Duna retrograde vector about 600m/s. You are using Kerbin's atmosphere to slow you down. Get into a roughly equatorial orbit around Duna. Duna is Kerbin's second closest neighbor. If you're planning to directly enter Kerbin's atmosphere and land from there, your total Delta-V is about 2,250 m/s. According to this handy map [], it takes 5980 delta-v from Kerbin to Duna low orbit. Pull the pro-grade marker until it touches Duna's orbit. While keeping Duna at 12h, do 100,000x time warp, till Kerbin is at 2h. am i doing something wrong, or am i just being a kerbal, because my MKI cockpit with 15K Dv can’t go from Laythe orbit to Kerbin aerobrake... Much the same way as you got there really. So 1380 Duna lift off + 370 + 110 + 950 = 2810. Also Kelvan and Bill, I guess, but mostly Val. Obviously you have to make sure you have enough fuel/ Delta V to get there and back if you want to. Ideally, your orbital plane should be parallel to Duna's orbital motion. Pretty straightforward: how the heck do I get back to Kerbin from Duna without it taking years and years? Olex's beautiful Interactive illustrated interplanetary guide and calculator which inspired me to create this tool as a web page. It's got three of my best kerbals on board. 3) Calculate transfer window. Or am I going to need to launch a rescue mission? Indeed, Explorer 2 has set the record for the most consecutive landings done by one crew! Hours later, the Advanced Duna Lander departs for Duna! Leave Kerbin's SOI. This site illustrates it, just set Origin=Duna, Destination=Kerbin, Parking orbit=whatever orbital height you're at around Duna. If you get the two white arrows close enough to each other, you will get an encounter with Kerbin. 3. Several maria(large regions of dark soil) are around several hundred meters altitude. With proper aerobraking, a round trip from Kerbin to Duna's orbit and back requires roughly 17… You are slightly lower, and you need not only to intercept kerbin but also graze the atmopshere. Its close proximity to Kerbin. I slowed down my stranded craft and just getting into an elliptical orbit used all my dv. May 19, 2019 May 19, 2019 sayburstuff Year 12 Bill, Bob, CTS-1 Adventure, Edan, Explorer 5, Explorer Program, Kerbin Spaceport, Val. In terms of the power of my craft, I'm orbiting Duna with 2kdv (considering hitting Ike on the way back), vessel mass 5.4T total with a 909 engine. 1300 to get to low duna another 360 to get you almost to InterPlanetary; Now another 140 to get back to kerbin influence. It can be expressed as the sum of you parking orbit velocity and Δv applied during the escape burn. They appear quite eroded, presumably by the wind. You need to get out and push. I was impatient and sent my ship at what was probably a bad time: Duna was about 110° ahead of Kerbin when I launched. If you have the nerva unlocked that’s my go to for rescue missions, it’s got the best ISP without being tragically underpowered like the xenon, if it were me I would use asparagus staging/clipping tanks to try and have at least 4000dv after getting into low Kerbin orbit because while it is possible to do a rescue with a lot less I tend to lean towards the idea of there’s nothing more frustrating than spending hours on a rescue only to have to rescue the rescue definitely make sure it’s a drone ship running the rescue and if you don’t have a docking port on the Duna ship just make sure the crew cabins are empty when you launch (made that mistake before too) but I’ve found it’s easiest to try and rendezvous with more circular orbits so I’d warp to your apoapse which looked lower than Kerbin orbit and see how far 900dv will get you towards curcularizing then send the drone into LKO and wait till the ship is just behind Kerbin and pop out grab your crew and burn home, I don’t think you need to revert the save but I will be very impressed if you can get a capture out of 900 dv, let us know how it goes tho! Duna is the fourth planet of the Kerbol system. Dedicated to the growth and advancement of amateur rocket scientists! It is perhaps the ideal planet for interplanetary voyages for several reasons: 1. Kerbal Space Program is an indie game developed by Squad in which the player can build and fly their very own planes and space craft across the Kerbal Solar System. Mission Control, we’re handing over vehicle control to KSC! Before I launch a spacecraft to Duna, I want to know how to return it. “Ok, we’re on our way! From here, ether burn retrograde at periapsis or aerobrake using Kerbin's atmosphere. The answer to that question is quite straightforward and requires a few simple steps: 1) Get required dV from the dV map. Main reason is. Am in science mode btw and have most techs unlocked, except for a few 550s and all the 1000s, I think. Dedicated to the growth and advancement of amateur rocket scientists! Again, that might just be out of date. Mitster and Dunwin blast off – heading back to Duna Spaceport! “This many missions has left us all exhausted! Once you complete the burn, you will be on a course back to Kerbin. Re-entry to Kerbin after a successful mission to the surface of Duna. Fortunately a rescue ship with about 4200 dv is on the way, It is not, they’re fairly similar, close enough that unless you burn an insane amount of fuel you will have passed the return window before you actually reach Duna, and Duna isn’t exactly special in that sense, all the planets are like that, there’s a website that has a calculator for that, also not sure if you mod at all but Kerbal alarm clock has a function to tell you when a transfer window is coming up as well but the window to Duna is when Kerbin is 44.3* behind Duna, and the return window is when Duna is 75.2* ahead of Kerbin, so only 30* difference but not exactly the same, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the KerbalAcademy community. I'm on a flyby trajectory of Duna. Its low orbital eccentricity. The Explorer 5 crew packs up their scientific findings (and various uneaten snacks) from around Duna Spaceport, and heads over to the DSCRV, the Val undocks the spacecraft! If I design it right, I could even get another kerbal to three stars, If you aren’t in career mode and can spare the time you can fast forward till you get a good return window but otherwise with only 900 dv your best bet is probably to send a rescue ship to rendezvous with them because that’s going to be SUPER tight on fuel just to get captured by kerbin let alone de-orbit and land... but try playing with maneuver nodes and find the place that requires the least amount of fuel to get you an encounter and then you can have a rescue ship waiting on standby to grab your Kerbals in case they run out of fuel. So its tight, but doable. It is the Mars analog for Kerbal Space Program and is mostly red with polar icecaps. Factors such as stability, aerodynamics and weight must be taken into account and the game tries to be as Newtonian as possible. Its mountain ranges are a peril to landing craft, due to their steepness and the limited aerobraking that is possible in Duna's tenuous atmosphereat such altitudes. I had about 2800 before I left LKO because I was going off a dv map, but I don't know how much I want to trust my admittedly poor understanding of it with something like this. Press J to jump to the feed. Are there any sneaky tricks for surviving a landing on Kerbin without parachutes? Please, help save Valentina. And remember, you can always go out and push. Its atmospheric composition is thick enough to support aerobraking, yet also thin en… Here are some mission requirements that I set out for myself: Mission requirements: Bring two or three Kerbals to the surface of Duna and bring back … In this epic mission to Duna we are heading to find a mysterious anomaly found using our new Ultimate Relay at Duna. Year 12, Day 285 (Explorer 5 Returns from Duna, Orbits Kerbin, and Docks with Kerbin Spaceport! The escape velocity is how fast your spacecraft will need to go in order to escape the origin body's sphere of influence and go onto the intercept trajectory to the target body. ; And of course Kerbal Space Program for motivating me to finally learn orbital mechanics. Their low altitude allows for more aerobraking, and the flatness of the terrain makes them easy … Get into orbit and wait for a transfer window. A timer of some sort could be handy for this, because even at 100,000x speed, it could take 5 minutes to get out there and another 5 minutes to get back to Kerbin and get… The game itself has no real goal other than to explore and mess around in the solar … Which means you can get all that removed just by using Kerbin's air to stop you. 4. ... Explorer 7 soars past Mun on its way out of Kerbin’s SOI! Since you're not aerobraking at Duna, it will cost about 500 m/s to insert yourself into orbit once you get there. From the list on the left select your rocket and click the green rocket button, or just double click the rocket. When you get back to Kerbin you can do a capture burn or aerocapture but make sure you got a heatshield, it's hotter than capturing at Duna.

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