Which two of the following predictions are correct about the motion of the disk after F2 is applied to the disk? Joseph Pulitzer = NY World, William Randolph Hearst = NY Journal, Henry George...associated progress and poverty, landowners/rich benefited, poor did not, Edward Behamy - socialist novelist; he falls asleep and is awakened in 2000, a socialist utopia, stories of Wild West in paperback - read in great numbers by young people; added to mystique of West, Lewis Wallace...attempt to combat wave of Darwinism - supported scripture, wrote more than 100 books of juvenile fiction - "rags to riches stories" with high morals, updated "Leaves of Grass" and wrote poem "Oh Captain, My Captain", gifted poet and recluse; most of her poetry was published after her death...very morose, AKA Samuel Clemmons; wrote in a style that revolted against cultural - New Eng. One end of the rod is connected to a pivot that allows the rod to rotate around the pivot after a net external force is exerted on the rod. Ace the unit 5 test over manifest destiny, sectionalism, Civil war and reconstruction Played 12 times. Test. Students must determine the change in angular momentum of the rod after 10s. What is the change in angular momentum of the bolt after 1000 ms? PLAY. In an experiment, a solid, uniform disk of mass 0.2kg and radius 0.5m is suspended vertically and can rotate about its center axle such that frictional forces are considered to be negligible. Gravitational forces within the star cause the star's radius to collapse and decrease to a value r0 ghost town, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, written by Mary Baker Eddy, a Christian Scientist; believed true practice of Christianity healed sickness...not medicine; created new demominations, 1859 - Charles Darwin - Theory of evolution and survival of fittest - very controversial...Fundamental Christianity vs Modernists/Science, William James...father of pragmatism because established modern principle of behaviors and psychology; pragmatism - truth is to be tested by action, not theory, exaggerated stories in press...sensationalism! The net force is exerted tangentially on the edge of the disk, which has radius 0.5m, mass 0.25kg, and rotational inertia 0.0625kg⋅m2. INCLUDES Course framework no al i t ucr Int s section Sample exam questions AP ® U.S. History COURSE AND EXAM DESCRIPTION Effective Fall 2020 creates art like " The Peacock Room" and "Whistler's Mother", Prohibition is not ______________ anymore, but an anti-________ movement, most famous member of the Women's Christian Temperance Movement, An organization that worked to stop the sale of alcoholic beverages; success with 18th Amendment, Political party that pushed politicians to prohibit liquor, United States nurse who campaigned for birth control and planned parenthood, social reformer who campaigned for women's rights, the temperance, and was an abolitionist, helped form the National Woman Suffrage Association, Stories become much more _________________ - a little truth, but exaggerated, sold newspapers with sensationalized stories, gave land grants to universities - oldest = UGA, started the Christian Scientists - needed faith, not medicine, brought the Salvation Army from England to America - provided for people - gave them food and a sermon, created the big tent revivals in cities - preached - created a Bible Institute that translated the bible into every language, educator who believed the key to ending segregation was slowly though education - started the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama for African Americans - taught mechanical skills - controversial because wanted to start at bottom and not fix Jim Crow right away, Speech Booker T Washington made at the Atlanta Cotton Exposition in Piedmont Park where he spoke to a white crowd and told them what they wanted to hear, taught at Atlanta University System - believes segregation must end NOW - 1st black man ever to earn a PhD from Harvard - speech = beginning of Niagra Movement - civil rights should come fast - one of the founders of NAACP, Supreme Court Case about Jim Crow - says segregation is legal: separate but equal, The 1890 census said the frontier was _________, granted 160 acres per family for free - just $10 to register - live there for 5 years and cultivate it - trying to bring agriculture to the West - sod houses, people moved to the West to do this - 1858-59: 59ers, What people mined in Nevada?

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