There was nothing about this on the NHTSA website that I could see, only something about airbags. We use cookies to analyze & improve your experience, & to personalize content and ads. I have had other issues with this They issued a recall on a 3.6V engine, but not the 3.0V engine which is what I had. As a woman, I stopped going to them for repairs, because tg dr y like to lie, rob you blind and dont fix NOTHING. I was asked if there was anything wrong and I responded, no but just in case there is I want to know who I should contact. July 6th, 2014 at 11:18 am. @BRYANT: It will be the tps. 2021 1st dealership kept it for two weeks said it was transmission. Fortunately, the car is under warranty, but after reading all the above comments, it sounds like GM needs to make some changes. I own 2007 Pontiac I been having same problem for couple weeks. @Jarod: Visit to read about your State’s Lemon Law. I will say a quick fix is just disconnect the negative cable for 5 minutes then connect again it seems to clear it up short term. A great feeling . When I started it up after work…bam! the , . Don’t worry about doing engine damage because these cars/trucks have rev limiters in them that will not allow the engine to go beyond the “red line”. My wife refuses to ever drive it again…. @Brian: If you are still under warranty, you should certainly get the vehicle in ASAP. I plan on calling them each time this problem occurs and I encourage all of you to as well. My stabilitrack light has been coming on randomly while idling at a light or while driving at traffic speeds 5-10mph. No more Chevy or GM period for me. Piss poor response for a person without their car to not have a loaner. Wish I had my old one back. Im scared to put our young children in the car. It happened to me 8 times in a span of 15 miles this morning on my way to work. Now have the car back and yesterday, light came on again at less than 500 miles, in 70 degree weather. After a day of driving it the stabilitrack check engine light started coming on and when i stop the car tries to stall. My stabilitrak keeps telling me it needs serviced but only when I am setting in a parking lot restarting my radio when I turn on key after radio stops it shows service stabilitrak the dealer says they can’t get a code an they have contacted gm an they don’t know either I pay way to much to have a truck they is not full functioning they say they can’t help me till it reads that while I’m driving I have took it there 3 times for this reason I have 2 children in this truck all the time I drive it daily I have read that the stabilitrak is a kind of computer an it controls things like my traction control an other things that’s not good for me considering I live in the mountains an have horrible terrain to driving in during the winter is there a recall coming soon is my question or what is the next thing I should b doing. It may have been overlooked and Its possible there was damage or rubbing of wires that could have happened over time and now came to a head. loss power ,stability control and stabilitrac. I don't understand why there hasn't been a recall on this problem Chevrolet is having. Had taking it back several times for a/c not cooling . I learned of the issue and special coverage for this issue and took it to a local GM dealer who had me pay almost $80 for an oil change and said I would have to bring it back to have the level checked. I have a 2018 Chevy Silverado 1500. I said old part, I bought this car brand new, story changed and said my fuel system needs to be cleaned! If this keeps happening it may be my last. Started having ALL of the above issues Friday morning on my way to work. My 2015 Camaro is back to driving like a dream! I have a 2009 sierra with right around 194000 miles on it. IT IS VERY LOW MILEAGE ON THE PICKUP. She could not answer so I told her I will call back on my appointment day so she can send me an assistance. Needless to say, that is by far the most dangerous place for it to occur. Stabilitrak shake rattle and roll to the side of the freeway. come-up with a solution. I about fainted. Also, I’ve had a problem with the vehicle jerking when changing gears up and down (this started about a week after I bought the vehicle ;( ). GM knows the issue and is refusing to recall the issue instead says hey this is a problem it’s recommended you fix it. Stopped at a light and hit the gas pedal and the engine revved like normal but it felt like the transmission was slipping bad. The dealer called today and stated that the motor was getting too much oil and they were replacing the pistons because of it. Regardless, the mechanism is now electrical. I had it towed to my repair shop instead of the dealership, as my road service didn’t cover the long miles to the dealership (immediately bought better road service). I am terrified from the Internet research I have been doing that people are losing power steering and it slows down on them on the interstate. (1997,2001(totaled in accident and not a scratch on me), 2002, 2010, 2013 and the current 2015. Light still coming on and the car is running like junk. Dealer missed a bulletin to fix brake position sensor. If I do, I will post it on this message board. I have a 2014 Chevy Cruze and have had it less than 2 months. Luckily my exit was about 8 miles away but that was the scariest 8 miles of my life! I OWE $10,000 ON THIS CAR AND I NEED CHEVY TO FIX IT! I let the truck sit for a day as i tried to google the issue. It wasn’t, obviously. I'm going to try and find out the status of a lawsuit filed last February for this exact problem. So, I turned around and went back to the dealership, and rented a rental car (2 days, another $98). I love the truck but not very happy with Chevys service. I am going to take this to a independent mechanic to get a second opinion. Two days later while driving at the 70 MPH speed limit on Highway 40, I made a lane change to get past a parked vehicle on the shoulder and the yellow “skid” symbol came on along with a now-flashing “engine” light, but the road was completely dry and the lane change was smooth and normal. They got it fixed and it’s doing it again. I was told that things start to go wrong at 100K and just need to be fixed. You can find one by visiting I need a car now and I cannot pay $3600.00 after already paying $2600.00 four months ago. This trip to the dealer, I was told that I need to replace the motor at a cost of $7,400.00, or i could spend about $2,000.00 to rip the motor apart and diagnose the problem,Please remember this motor has ONLY 60,000 MILES ON IT.On Saturday, I contacted GM Priority Care and haven’t heard back. Please help!! Once on the highway, the Service Stabiltrak light came on two more times, powering off the radio and ac but did not shut down the motor this time. Car smelled like nail polish remover from outside around hood and exhaust. The dealer claims it’s caused by my aftermarket equipment which is their way of saying they will not pay for it. The Stabilitrack light comes one, I loose engine power (it even states on my system that power reduction) if I stop it will shake. @Tony: It’s time to look into your rights. We had the same stabilitrak lights and power reduction warning. I called the dealer and just so convenient for the factory warranty to have just ran out. 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